Can we be addicted to having babies?

Little time after Nadya Suleman gave rise to its octuplets, its own mom said no matter whom who would listen that his/her daughter was haunted with having children.

In an article of Boston Earth, a psychologist specializing among women 'reproductive mental health of S.A. known as woman who have the obsessional disorder can become fixed on various obsessions.

Two of these obsessions could have children and be a mom. What would you say of an obsession with the pregnancy?

Though I lost all the control of my body in full expansion while the babies developed in my belly, I completely appreciated the feeling of the pregnancy. I love my children and adores maternity.

But as many parents who answer my post about the obsession of octuplet, I can 't even imagine to have eight newborns, even less 14 children. However, I know some moms who liked to be pregnant. And they 'love of D to being pregnant still, just to pass by the experiment and to soak in this odor new-born child one. more. time.

Shine thus the readers, us want to have your news. Do you think yourselves can you be devoted to have babies? And do you know no matter whom who is devoted to the pregnancy and to have more children?
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